Cat's Eye (Lehsunia)

Cat’s Eye ( लहसुनिया )

Cat’s Eye gemstones have bright band of light across the surface of the stone. Cat’s Eye mainly comes in few varieties of Chrysoberyl & Quartz minerals. Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye is more Precious & Expensive as compared to Quartz variety. Chryoberyl Cat's Eye price (₹) is few thousand per Carat, whereas Quartz Cat's Eye price (₹) is a few hundred per Carat. Cat’s Eye (Lehsunia in Hindi) represents Ketu Planet in Indian Vedic astrology. Cat’s Eye is recommended to people going through the challenging times during Ketu mahadasha. Cat’s Eye is believed to provide Protection from Evil Forces & Negative Energies. Cat's Eye Gemstones from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) is considered the best for astrological purposes.
Protection against Evil forces & Negative Energies

Who should wear Cat’s Eye?

Cat’s Eye (also called Lehsunia in Hindi) gemstone represents shadow planet Ketu (headless lower body of the shadow planet Rahu) or the south node of the moon in Vedic Astrology. Cat’s Eye stone is recommended to people going through the dasa or malefic phase of Ketu as it provides protection against any sudden mishaps during this period. Cat's Eye is also worn to boost the benefits of Ketu in one’s horoscope. It should only be worn if recommended by an astrologer after analysing the horoscope.

How to wear Cat’s Eye astrologically?

Carat Weight

minimum 1/10th of the wearer’s body weight (in kgs)


honey and golden green Cat’s Eye are recommended


gold, silver and panchdhatu are preferred


middle finger of the working hand

Day & Time

Tuesday or Thursday, Morning between 6 am to 9am


'Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Ketuve Namah'

Cat’s Eye Benefits

Ketu is a planet that helps an individual evolve through varied and more often than not experiences. It is a grounding stone that provides a very effective protective energy. It is powerful enough to prevent the health & financial losses by nullifying the evil effects of Ketu. Cat’s Eye also helps in achieving a higher level of knowledge, peace and spirituality.

  • Financial & Professional Growth-

    Cat’s Eye assists the business or the professional life of its wearer and improves their financial situations. It has the capacity to restart a closed business and helps to emerge out of debts, poverty and other setbacks. It amplifies good luck and fortune. It can also enhance the confidence, memory and creativity of the wearer. It is a great stone for people who take business risks and regularly game.
  • Increased Spirituality & Inner Peace-

    The energies of the mystical planet Ketu help an individual’s spiritual advancement. Wearing a Cat's Eye stone can ease the pain that invariably accompanies life’s tough lessons. It acts to stimulate intuition and to enhance awareness. Cat's Eye dispels unwanted energy from the aura and transforms negative thoughts into positive energy. Cat's Eye brings happiness, serenity and optimism in the life of the wearer.
  • Good Health-

    Cat’s Eye aids the nervous system and treats eye disorders. It provides relief from headaches, facial and sciatic pain. It is also used to heal the kidneys, pancreas, liver, lymph nodes, spleen and issues associated with leukemia. It is a gemstone that is believed to help in healing from cancer.

Cat’s Eye Quality & Price

The price range of Cat's Eye stones is very wide and depends on various quality parameters.

  • Variety-

    Many types of gems exhibit the Cat’s Eye effect; however, it may not be present in every specimen of those gems. Of all the gemstones that exhibit cat's eye, Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye is the best known as it has the strongest and most distinct cat's eye effect of all gemstones. It is the variety that is highly recommended for astrological purposes. Its price range starts from ₹5,000 ($60) per carat and goes upto ₹40,000 ($500) per carat. But due to the high value and rarity of Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye, Quartz Cat’s Eye is commonly used for astrological purposes. Its price ranges from ₹400 ($5) per carat to ₹1,500 ($20) per carat.
  • Origin-

    The best quality Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye stones are mined from Sri-Lanka (Ceylon) and are the most popular. Some stones due to their rarity are highly sought after by collectors. Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye mined in South India is also desired for astrological purposes. Quartz Cat’s Eye mined in India is considered to be of the best quality.
  • Colour-

    Cat’s Eye gemstones come in many different shades. The body colour of Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye ranges from yellow to green to brown. Quartz Cat’s Eye is found in colours gray, black, honey, green, yellow and brown. The most desirable colours of Cat’s Eye for astrological purposes are honey and golden green.
  • Cat’s Eye Effect-

    Cat’s Eye Effect or Chatoyancy is an optical phenomenon under which a single bright band of light appears on the surface of the gemstone. The best cat's-eye gems have an eye effect that is clearly visible, symmetrically bisects the cabochon, contrasts sharply with the stone’s body colour and moves smoothly as the stone is turned. Stones with a strong and distinct cat’s eye effect are valuable and preferred for astrological purposes.
  • Clarity-

    All Cat’s Eye gemstones have silk inclusions that cause the cat’s eye effect; thus stones without inclusions will not have the effect and thus no value. Astrological Cat’s Eye gemstones should have high transparency and less visible inclusions when seen from the naked eye.
  • Cut-

    The stone has to be cut in the cabochon shape and the base has to be kept rough or unpolished (to avoid leakage of light) in order to display a good cat’s eye effect.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cat's Eye

What is the significance of Cat's Eye in Vedic astrology?

It represents the mythical planet ‘Ketu’ (the headless body of the shadow planet ‘Rahu’) also known as the south node of moon in Vedic astrology. Cat’s Eye stone is recommended to people going through the dasa or malefic phase of Ketu as it provides protection against any sudden mishaps during this period. Cat's Eye is also worn to boost the benefits of Ketu in one’s horoscope. It is a powerful stone with great protection energy. It provides the wearer with financial & professional growth, increased spirituality & inner peace, and good health.

What colour tone of Cat's Eye is recommended for astrological purposes?

Honey and golden green Cat’s Eye are recommended for astrological purposes.

Which variety of Cat's Eye is considered the best?

Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye gemstones are considered to be of the best quality as these stones produce the most distinct ‘cat's-eye’ or chatoyance effect. In fact, when someone says Cat’s Eye gemstone, they usually mean Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye. Quartz Cat’s Eye is used as a substitute for Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye.

What is the price range of Cat's Eye?

Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye gemstone price range starts from ₹5,000 ($60) per carat and goes upto ₹40,000 ($500) per carat. Quartz Cat’s Eye stone price range starts from ₹400 ($5) per carat and goes up to ₹1,500 ($20) per carat.

What is chatoyancy or cat’s eye effect in Cat’s Eye gemstones?

Cat’s eye effect or chatoyancy is an optical phenomenon seen in a few varieties of gemstones. Under this effect, a single bright band of light appears on the surface of the gemstone. It occurs when light is reflected at right angles from a series of thin inclusions which are parallel to each other. The analogy also matches the way a cat's pupils will narrow to a thin slit under bright light. Stones with a strong and distinct cat’s eye effect are valuable and sought after.

What is the ‘milk and honey’ effect in Cat’s Eye gemstones?

Some Cat's Eye gemstones will appear to have a different colour on each side of the cat's-eye line when illuminated from the proper direction with respect to the observer's eye. It gives the illusion that the stone is made of two different materials; one side of the line is milky and the other translucent. This phenomenon is known as the ‘milk-and-honey’ effect. These stones are very rare and highly expensive.

Cat's Eye (Lehsunia) collection

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Cat's Eye (Lehsunia) collection

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